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J5 jobbar på nytt album!!

Vår Hiphop - Audio & Video


2006-04-10 16:03

J5 jobbar på nytt album!!

Jurassic 5 has been relatively quiet lately, at least on the national scale, due to the solo projects of many of it's members. Well the good news is the team is back together and working on a new LP entitled, Feedback. With production from Scott Storch, DJ Nu-Mark & Salam Remi already in the bag, the J5 crew is trying to quickly put the finishing touches on the LP to make the June 25th release date. The first single off the new album, "Work It Out", features an unlikely pairing of J5 and the Dave Matthew's Band. Look for that to hit airwaves in the coming weeks

källa www.ughh.com

äntligen ett livstecken från gruppen som våldtog mina trumhinnor
för en massa år sedan=)
så vad tror ni då kommer det svänga, lr kommer det slängas?
jag tror detta kommer bli överfett som deras 2 andra album

mmm precis...