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2005-07-15 19:43

Bucc - Fatso

Bucc - Fatso


Stones in glass houses
Nothin' thru windows
I'm a virus
pop up in your windows
Poppin' like pringles
while you poppin' pringles
poppin' my single
Never poppin' - you single
I mingle with the elite
call up the knucks
n' tell em it's beef
Nah kid,
don't be scurrrrred
Gettin' beat up
does only hurt
Fruck my accent
I walk the walk
Walkie talk talk
talkin' the talk
Drawin' chalk
around bithes that bark
You gone get love from nerds
While I pop on charts
I'm droppin' the charge
You're droppin' some trash
I'm gettin' the call
out droppin' the trash
Twenny that ask
When imma drop on your ass
Writin' back
while shit drop from my ass
Ashin' up hash,
without no pass
You traspassed
n' yousa fag
Fuck Bucc n' a few
lines back
Now lemme here you in Swedish
you fuckin' fag...

Vers 2

Up early in the studio
Ring Ring
It's ringin'
Handlin' bidniz
handlin' kids dissin'
BT on the phone
still bitchin'
Bitch listen
20 000 sold
like sluts
whatcha you talkin' bout bro
You're not makin' sense
not makin' ends
you're loosin'
I ain't got no lose ends
The truth ends
when you start to speak
The boooos tend
to start when you speak
Your crew talkin' guns
but gone leak
You dudes doomed
We goons with goons bitch
Do your thing
without me on your lips
I can make
without Whoa on my dick
or lickin' my brown
We kickin' up brown
Tried' to analyze ya
couldnt stand your sound
I Can't believe
that you're reppin' my town
I Can't believe
I'm beefin' with clowns
Roll in with punches
n' roll with the punches
Im' hungry
eatin' you is just munchies

Bucc here, lyssna. Nya grejer på gång. Checka in Illegal Antidote om ni inte gjort det. 10 tunga låtar för 20 Kr - Nya grejer på G. Vi ska ta över mixtapscenen, Jayzon wharrup? Fuck alla som tror de fattar nåt. Ni fattar inget. Jag är down att hooka med er alla när ni fattar vad det handlar om. Spelar ingen roll om ni dissar mig nu. Hälften av er kommer inte fatta hälften av vad jag rappar om, men det är nice promotion utomlands med en disslåt. Jag vill tacka beväpnad tjockis för en rolig dag. Helt allvarligt, gitta till Carmen eller Söderkällaren eller nåt så super vi tillsammans. Snacka skit om alla som skriver om oss på den här siten. Du har mitt nummer. Ring så chillar vi... For real.

One love. Bucc.se uppe snart.

Peace Bucc
