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Pluralis - Dustbunny [Uppe Igen]

Vår Hiphop - Audio & Video


2005-03-03 16:50

Pluralis - Dustbunny [Uppe Igen]

Ännu en session, håll till godo, och yes, mixningen blev helt fucked.

Tanka här!

Texten på ett ungefär:

Without blinking open eyelids see our ship is sinking
The same seequence integrated in my social thinking
My ego's shrinking to the size of one single atom
And sadly answers were lost as soon as we had em
Tonight the nothern lights invites to mental absence
And I don't feel presant when lookin direcly at it
devestating when the escalating escapades ends somewhere else
But I'm levatating and convesating with myself
Now humans are cursing at mothers and hurtin eachother
With cirtain discomfort while the earth is at slumber
in search of wonders and awakening with answers
with a thirst for sadness to burst into fragments
My last breath slips out of lungs too tight
And my soul slides slowly through the moonlight
A life to be proud of, show me to one sweet kiss
Would be my last wish as my fingertips twitch

The exclamationpoint of exictance is imaganation
And how emtions expressed in words embraces
issues to hard to discuss, I've been at peace ever since
I found out what you call nothing might be everything
Explanation: Imagination is a vital thing
And i write to express myself without anyone to question it
and im happy since i know when you are screaming and cussin
About the unimportant things and thats my vision of nothing
Rhyming does not have to be in batteling-style
And why would I write things with an effort in my smile?
Why can't I just not, just not care, just not be
Why won't I just write and don't care and just be me
I won't write for someone else, why should I?
I don't express other things than mine, Why would I?
And even if just one person on this earth liked it
And told me about it, I would be wonderfully happy

Holla back!

It's all alright!