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[MP3] Emil Brikha-Nightmares|Prod:Stacs of Stamina

Vår Hiphop - Audio & Video


2004-12-01 23:20

[MP3] Emil Brikha-Nightmares|Prod:Stacs of Stamina

Då var det äntligen dags att släppa en ny låt. Den är producerad av Johan från Stacs of stamina (även om han förnekar det ;)) och är en nyinspelning av en mycket gammal låt som jag kände för att damma av igen eftersom uppföljaren till den här låten kommer på nästa skiva.

För er som är intresserade håller jag just nu på att sätta ihop material till en ny skiva. Det blir feta colabs med internationella artister och som vanligt blir det en blanding av spoken word poesi blandat med hiphopmusik.

8 låtar från förra skivan finns fortfarande för nerladdning på min sajt eller på min presentation och skivan med 12 spår går fortfarande att köpas för 50 kr om det skulle vara intressant.

Så nog snackat. Här är låten.


Emil Brikha - Nightmares Originally written: 17 september 2001 www.elqpe.com

These past few nights I’ve been having a reoccurring nightmare, that might scare anyone when there’s no available light here/ you know, the type of dream where nothing’s what it seams/ heavens angels are evil and your best friends are fiends/ certain characters reappear in different situations/ so you never know who to trust when you try to find your destinations/ but that’s not the scary part. Its uncertainty that scares me/ Waking up the next morning sweating and remembering everything vaigly/

there’s no escaping this. I’ve tried pills and therapy/And some nights I get chills and think that monsters are out to burry me/ Doctors cant find a remedy so I write this to cure myself/ Hoping to reach some clarity and find my place in this universe/ My mind is filled with demons, this must a humans curse/ Cuz In my dreams I see vivid pictures when heads of humans burst/ I’m just glad that dreams are limited to the space between my ears/ Its all locked in their, along with my anxiety and fears/

1 year has passed and I think I’m becoming paranoid/ And the beast in my imagination is getting difficult to avoid/ I see him in the corner of my eye, hiding in his own shadow/ lurking with a evil grin, leave me along you asshole!/ psychiatrists are baffled/ recommending I should be committed/ Don’t you think if I was out of my mind I’d be man enough to admit it?/ it might not be normal to see scary beasts in your own living room/ I cant tell the difference between dreams and living soon/

the creatures of my nightmare appear during waking hours/ and I get bizarre flashbacks of midgets baking flowers/ My reality is bluring/ of these dreams that keep reoccurring/ Last night I even saw a short giraffe with a broom, playing curling/

Ok, I’ve lost it and I admit need I some therapy/ I went to a shrink and said: Doctor please, help me... hand me a recipe!/ I need to pop a pill cuz I feel real lost and ill/ Just hurry writing it out. I’m out, send me the bill. Finally some peace and quiet, I’m in my car, driving back home/ Contemplating over the fact that my head feels heavy like a stone/ The numbness is starting to spread thruout my fingers and limbs/ every thinking thought starts to linger and things appear blury/

Its getting harder to drive, I’m starting feel drowsed/ Finally, somehow I manage to pull up the car next to my house/ Slammed the door behind me and ran to look in the yellow pages/ Shit, I cant find anything!, I haven’t looked in here for ages/ I can barely recall the alphabet, A-B-C..D/ Dr. Lobotomy, Grade A doctor, with a PhD in psychology/ I hurry and pick up the receiver, now I’m waiting for the dialling tone/ Instead I hear the voice of the beast saying: "hang up the phone!"

http://www.LQP.se - The Portal To Self (ehm, myself, that is)