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Emil Brikha - Life [NY spoken word MP3]

Vår Hiphop - Audio & Video


2004-09-12 12:24

Emil Brikha - Life [NY spoken word MP3]

Emil Brikha - Life

För fler alster: www.emil.elqpe.com


I hate my life and what it has become. For some it might be pleasurable, but for me it just feels dumb. You work and study day and night to match the sum of all your bills.
Imagine just letting go and think about how that feels.

Life is like a box of pills, its mindnumbing. I don't know where Im going, even less where I'm coming from.Something has to change and rearange my perseption. Erasing questions from confusion and missconceptions.

Some have missed the questions and live floating in a vacuum space.
I take to steps forward and rewind into a backward faze.
I feel like a sucking black hole, causing cracks in space.
I view life in angles much like phones with cracked displays.

It works just great but.... it just doesn't look nice.

I dispice the lies which forced me into this disguise.
Now I hide this guy and multiply myself into an army.
It consists of guys who are me, but not the complete package.
The concentrated formula is hidden with codes and you cant crack it.

I strain my brain, while you remain the same.
I refrain from fame and place the blame on the following target and aim.
because Fame aint fame if fame is gained by actions without shame.
Still we play this wargame in which many have been slain.

Now I sustain in midair and let my words echo out.
If you think these are just words that rhyme you havnt understood what life's about.

http://www.LQP.se - The Portal To Self (ehm, myself, that is)