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Pluralis - Bring it (Session)

Vår Hiphop - Audio & Video


2004-08-14 22:51

Pluralis - Bring it (Session)

Japps, jag hade tråkigt, så jag skrev lite rader och spelade in dem, inget fancy elle rinövar, mest tidsfördriv - för övrigt stavar jag som en kratta, peace!

Holla back!



I'm a calm man, I don't fight and I don't like to brag
But hype your raps at me, and see how rifles blasts
My disples have tendencies to roam and spread truth
Snatch jewls and havin' you swim in cement shoes
This shit's cruel, but fuck that, I've been evil
Grim Reapers bringin' more action than Vin Diesel
I say FUCK THE HASSTLE, just lemme swing leathal daggers
Atcha until i peirce ya neck and arteries splatter
I don't pack heat, I pack fire and flames for ya'll
Kick your brain in dawg, cause i'm fuckin hatin ya'll
Nasty or nice? - gimmie your cash and your ice
A tough guy but I saw you when ran for your life
Pluralis back, you retards, i'm cold and selfish
Donkeypunch you bitch and put her in a Roman helmet
I don't battle, but im pissed now so bring it on homie
And by the way Say hi to your moms for me...

It's all alright!