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"The Collective" - 12 Emcee Collab (Flame m.fl.)

Vår Hiphop - Audio & Video


2004-07-22 02:01

"The Collective" - 12 Emcee Collab (Flame m.fl.)



"The Collective" is a worldwide hip hop collab, featuring 12 emcees from different places displaying their skills on one track!
Those featured were given a beat and asked to write and record a verse, then send it back to us…
Out of 20+ entries, the 12 best were selected to appear on the 1st of many hip hop projects, “The Collective”.
Contact ResQ Productions for info on how you could feature of the second installment!

The line up, in order of appearance

1. Ptolemy Reborn , Ellipsis Crew, VA.
2. Flame , Random Bastards, Sweden.
3. Deadly Weapon , FL.
4. Evolution , Life Is Sound, NY.
5. Soldier The Brainchyld , Liphe, MD.
6. Calis , Loftet Prodz, Norway.
7. Tek Nine .
8. Fasko Flow , Obvious Discreet, OH.
9. Orion , STW, CA.
10. Ogre , DC, CA.
11. Illus , CT.
12. Oddity , SoulStepz, CA.

Track produced and arranged by Oddity . Cuts by Dj JezRoc .


All info + mer info om alla emcees, står på denna sida:

