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Hjälp med artist! Arrhh

Utländsk Hiphop - Allmänt


2011-02-23 22:20

Hjälp med artist! Arrhh

Okey, okey...en polare till mig undrade om jag visste vem som hade gjort låten ( text nedanför)...någon som vet? har kollat genom hela nätet..haha hittar inget.
Nån som kan?...störigt!

You Must Be Dreaming
If you think you can fuck with me you must be dreaming, cos you'll wake up screaming in you bed.
If you think you can fuck with me you must be dreaming, cos you'll wake up bleeding in you bed.

Well i was chilling alone sleeping in bed, crazy thoughs through my head, i smoked a bag of that mary jane and now i think im going insane, i looked at the mirror and it caused more fear, a skeleton scarier than Robet De Niro, he pointed at me, " you time is up the shit you should see", man who you taking this is my house, my bed who are you, "the devil", yeah i know your name, how many people you took and how you got your fame, with that he through down a bolt of lightning and yes yall it was really really frightening, like new years eve and i aint got no more dreams.

If you think you can fuck with me you must be dreaming, cos you'll wake up screaming in you bed.
If you think you can fuck with me you must be dreaming, cos you'll wake up bleeding in you bed.

By then i was hit in the throat and pulled out the window, cursing myself for smoking that endo, he slowly led me into the night, there wasn't no angels and no light, the heat was a mess, the sight, a sound, the smell was stank, my heart was pounding, i'm slipping away, i tried to scream, i tried to pray, i tried to cut deals but the devil don't clown, we went underground, "this is your house now", this is were i'm staying?, you must be playing, i looked at my hand i began decaying, i guess what i'm saying i don't want to embellish, he showed be a place that was hot 'n' hellish, with no other choice i repented and wept, then i woke up were i slept.

If you think you can fuck with me you must be dreaming, cos you'll wake up screaming in you bed.
If you think you can fuck with me you must be dreaming, cos you'll wake up bleeding in you bed.
If you think you can fuck with me you must be dreaming, cos you'll wake up screaming in you bed.
If you think you can fuck with me you must be dreaming, cos you'll wake up bleeding in you bed.

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