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Bad news - Ice Cubes platta försenad!

Utländsk Hiphop - Allmänt


2010-07-10 21:04

Bad news - Ice Cubes platta försenad!

What up fam? As you may or may not heard, my record "I AM THE WEST" will not be released on July 13th. I've been working my ass off trying to get it done for you but I ran out of time. The music is right but the paperwork isn't and since I'm working with a few new producers the contracts are taking a little longer then usual, so I missed my turn-in date. But it's cool. We're trying to project a date when the business will be done and we can get this bomb-ass music out to you. In the meantime, I will release a song a month until the record drops. Hopefully that will wet your whistle until street date. I apologize to everybody who had that new Cube record "taste in ya mouth". It'll be worth the wait.

Från Ice Cube's blogg.

Detta gör mig lite ledsen inuti men vafan, den kommer bli guldvärd klart jag väntar hur som helst :)

Tears of Liquor EP