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9th Wonder startar två labels...

Utländsk Hiphop - Allmänt


2009-01-04 00:12

9th Wonder startar två labels...

"Starting in 2009, and with the blessings of Egon, PBW, and Dru Ha, I will be launching 2 labels at once, The Academy/Stones Throw and JamLa/Duckdown. This will be my shot, to put more music into the atmosphere, with the artists that I believe have what it takes. They are not striving to be mega PLATINUM superstars, but instead to make a noise loud enough to create a fanbase, a following, and to make money. Each label will have 2 different agendas, and 2 different paths, with an attempt NOT to cross the streams(see Egon in Ghostbusters). I believe that internet has created SO many pockets and demographics that crossing the streams will not become a factor, and each artist can reach the EXACT audience they want to reach."
-9th Wonder

Kan ju onekligen bli rätt intressant.

Källa:Okayplayer Forum

rip stephen perry