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Ny intervju med Dr. Dre angående Detox

Utländsk Hiphop - Allmänt


2008-07-23 16:38

Ny intervju med Dr. Dre angående Detox

Ja, ännu en intervju har kommit...och det låter väl ungefär som det alltid gör. Lite nya saker får man veta dock.

"The wait for Detox is almost over. Dr. Dre says his long-anticipated third solo album is starting to take shape in the studio and could arrive before the end of the year."

"He says he has assembled a new crew of musicians, and the beats will be heavily driven by live drums. "We have an entirely new thing going with the drums that's incredible, and we're still developing that." All "the usual suspects" will make guest appearances, including Nas, Jay-Z and Lil Wayne."
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this is for my niggas and my nymphos, non stop bangin like a dilla instrumental