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DJ Premier - Beats That Collected Dust 2LP

Utländsk Hiphop - Allmänt


2008-05-24 13:37

DJ Premier - Beats That Collected Dust 2LP

"Over the years, I have been approached by so many fans to put out an instrumental album…This particular project is a series titled “BEATS THAT COLLECTED DUST Vol. 1? for a reason…Since I do intend on doing instrumental LP’s for the true heads, I did not want to confuse my so-called “Lost Tapes” beats with new ones…So I split ‘em up…This ("B.T.C.D.") series consists of beats that were either for artists and were never used, or were just not adequate enough for me to ever release them with MC’s spittin’ over them…These are truly as we all know not my best work,but I had no plans of releasing them anyway…Then I thought, why not put them out “As Is” and let them be shared to the world…most of them are just rough demos from 1999-2003 period, and when I started goin thru all of my old disks to listen to what I never used, I put them In a folder and my label Manager BIGGEST GORD co-signed the idea to let em fly…I will be releasing new original tracks as well under a different title, but I have a bunch of old joints that will never see the light of day unless they are released through this series….Get ready for Vol. 2….Be on the lookout for my other original series of Instrumentals called DJ PREMIER presents: “Head Nodders"…All original bangers….And of course, I will always release it on Vinyl…Much respect to the Real DJ’s…….One……..dj premier"


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