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Rick Ross Interview

Utländsk Hiphop - Allmänt


2008-03-01 11:09

Rick Ross Interview

WorldWideConnected.com: What separates you from others rappers and producers?

I’m a real BOSS and I’m out here to make big moves. Long term moves! My whole forte is hustling and staying busy while being in the streets. I am on the grind 24/7 and I don’t even have time to sleep. Real n*ggaz stay in the streets and that’s where I am. Stars stair into mirrors, but real n*ggaz stay in the streets! That is my whole philosophy, and that is why you will see so much product coming from me. March 11th the biggest project of the year is coming, and following that the next month is the “M.I. Yayo” documentary! I got my Triple C project coming later this Summer also. We stay in the streets, and we cant stop.

WorldWideConnected.com: What does it mean to be The Biggest Boss?

We are just making big moves. I am doing a lot of big thangs so why not be the biggest boss.

WorldWideConnected.com: What were your feelings about “Port Of Miami” going platinum?

It was all good! It took a lot of hard work, and I grinded out. Thanks to all the radio stations, and publications that supported your boy. Everything is lovely and it is platinum, but we are back with a bigger, and better album.

WorldWideConnected.com: Did you ever think that things would work out like this for you?

To be honest with you when you come from where I come from a lot of times you cant do nothing but dream. Dreams are all a lot of us have growing up. You live like that for so many years that you can actually start reaching for your dreams. I got to the point to where I was reaching for my dreams and it felt like I could damn near grab them. It was like it was all right there! Now, I just dream and think big. On my next album I will reach out to Michael Jackson. I feel like we were all put here to make music and feed the streets and the fans, and that is what I want to do. I wanna keep doing this! I don’t have any plans to fuckin’ stop! I aint with no particular because I am going to win! If you are a winner then lets keep winning, and win together.

WorldWideConnected.com: So you are saying it blows “Port Of Miami” away?

Yeah, I think this album shows growth. Port of Miami was a classic in its own right but this one is something totally different. To me, it blows the first one out the water. I think that this album was made to be a classic album. I don’t know if it was intentional, but everything just came out classic. You will see what I’m talking about on March 11th. After you get a chance to hear the album you tell me if it is a classic or not!

WorldWideConnected.com: How hard is it to go in the studio and top what you did on the last project?

No, I just go in the studio, and take it one record at a time, one hook at a time, one verse at a time, and one concept at a time, and that’s what it is. I just really marinated in the studio on this one and went in, and I think I raised the bar on what I have been doing. I think I elevated my own game, and took it to the next level. I am always in progression mode. I don’t believe in going backwards or trying to make a replica of something you did in the past.

WorldWideConnected.com: I know it is all about hustling and making money but at the end of the day you still have to have a deep love for this game!

Without a doubt! You have to have love, and determination! You cant be a quitter! I did this for a s