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Interview With Bizarre

Utländsk Hiphop - Allmänt


2007-11-26 14:30

Interview With Bizarre

WorldWideConnected.com: You just dropped new album...

Yeah man, my album just came out the other day and it is called "Blue Cheese-N-Coney Island". It is a damn good album. I've just been grindin’ hard to let everyone know about it. I got the video out now called "Fat Boy" which is doing good for us. It came out on my own label which is Red Head Records/Koch.

WorldWideConnected.com: Do you feel that Koch is a pretty good situation for you?

Yeah, it was a great situation. It gave me a lot of freedom to do basically what I want to do. I think Koch is a good label and they put the artist’s needs first. A lot of labels don’t do that.

WorldWideConnected.com: What can we expect from the album?

You can expect some Bizarre stuff and you can expect some more serious type songs from me. In the past it was always just fun and games but a lot has happened so I have a lot to talk about. The main thing you will here that is different is the serious joints, and I have a lot of them.

WorldWideConnected.com: It sounds like some real shit!

Yeah because me and my group have been thru a lot, and we lost Proof and some of us have been fighting cases and everything. I wanted to express a lot of that on the album and give them a serious side of Bizarre.

WorldWideConnected.com: Losing Proof had to be real hard for you and D-12 to have to go thru. How did you get thru all of that?

It was very hard! I got thru it thru prayer. Also, I try to keep my family around me and try to stay positive. I’m trying to stay out of trouble by grinding and working. It has been real hard times but as long as you stay positive things will get better.

WorldWideConnected.com: What has been poppin’ in Detroit at the moment?

We got a lot of stuff poppin’ in Detroit right now. We got Black Milk, King Gordy, Twiztid, and a lot of others. We got a big scene out here in Detroit.

WorldWideConnected.com: You said Twiztid and they are down with ICP. I know Eminem and ya’ll had beef with them cats awhile back. Did ya’ll squash the beef with them?

Yeah I got Twiztid on my album on a song called "Evil".

WorldWideConnected.com: What was it like working with them?

They are some cool cats man! They kind of grew up in the same neighborhood we are from.

WorldWideConnected.com: Are you cool with Esham now too?

Yeah I saw Esham last night. Since Proof passed everybody has been wanting to make peace in the community.

WorldWideConnected.com: Did being on Celebrity Fit Club help you out at all?

Yeah while I was on the show I lost 45 Lbs.

WorldWideConnected.com: Will D-12 drop a new album soon?

We are working on one now and it should be out around the first of the year.

WorldWideConnected.com: Anything else you wanna say before we wrap this up?

Nah, I’m good man!