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Dina egna textrader!

Utländsk Hiphop - Allmänt


2007-10-22 22:21

Dina egna textrader!

Om det redan finns en sån här tråd, lås det här fanskapet.

Hursomhelst, det är bara att skriva några enkla textrader som ni kom på. Här är mina egna (nördiga) rader:

Yo, I´m MC Master Chief
with golden teeth
me and the Covenant got beef
I kill the enemies
with the double SMGs
Humanity wanted peace

But The Covenant and The Flood came
and Bungie made the first game
which brought me, Johnson and Cortana fame
Killzone is so lame
worthless lika a chess king, and I´m a dame

I shot Temp-lar
in a human bar
then I got a car

More known as Mongoose
then i listened to Papoose
Used the boost

And caught up with Samus Aran
called my homie Wake, Alan

We took her down
she looked like a clown
we shared a frown
Super Mario was around
he was shitty and brown

So we cleaned him up with plasma
and he got astma

we thought that the plasma was water
then I saw Captain Keyes daughter
and she showed what daddy taught her

Mauler in the left hand, shotty in the right
she and Prophet of Truth had a close-up fight

Ganska kassa, jag vet.

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You remind me of school on a Sunday, No class
/Pick It Up- Redman