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NY Raekwon intervju (OBFCL2, Tony Yayo VS Ghostface, 8 diagrams)

Utländsk Hiphop - Allmänt


2007-08-01 21:08

NY Raekwon intervju (OBFCL2, Tony Yayo VS Ghostface, 8 diagrams)

Ny Raekwon intervju där han pratar om albumet på Aftermath, Tony Yayo-Superb-Supreme Clientele dramat, mkt om nya Wu-tang albumet oxå, riktigt bra intervju!


HHDX: So when are we gonna get that purple CD?
: It's damn near 200% done. I wanna drop it on a major, but you're definitely gonna get it by the summer of next year. By hook or crook. If I gotta do it independent, I gotta release it. I did a lot of hard work on this record and I refuse to throw it out and people be like, Yo Rae, I ain't know your shit was out. Nah, I can't afford for that to happen no more. That happened to me on The Lex Diamond Story. That happened to me on Immobilarity. I'm not going for it on this one. I'm not letting the industry control my destiny on this record. People been wanting this record for the last 10 years, so I gotta make sure that this shit is bulletproof.
