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Twista Intervju

Utländsk Hiphop - Allmänt


2007-06-13 11:47

Twista Intervju

WorldWideConnected.com: What made you decide to name your album "Adrenaline Rush 2007"?

I wanted to come up with a title that would express where I was coming from. I knew that if I came with a title like that, people would know that I'm planning on coming hard or coming like I did when I first came out. Adrenaline Rush came out in 1997 and it is now 2007 so it's 10 years later, and my last album had a couple of lady friendly songs on it... so I felt like I wanted to come real hard for '07 and give the fans exactly what they want to hear from Twista. This was the best way to slap them in the face with it. It goes back to that feeling you had back in '97! This is a well put together project and I know the people are going to love it!

WorldWideConnected.com: Would it be fair to say that with your releases you give half the album to the fellas and the other half to the ladies?

Yeah I'd say that! I gotta balance it out man! I'm trying to keep it on a street vibe, but I balance it out as far as being able to sell my music as well. People don't understand that you've got to give a little to take a little sometimes. That's just how this business is set up. I got street stuff and stuff for the ladies.

WorldWideConnected.com: Can you compare this version to the 1997 Adrenaline Rush, or is it something that is totally different?

You'll know as soon as you hear it! If you are a Twista fan, as soon as you hear it come on you will notice that the album makes you feel like the old album. You'll go back in time a little bit once you hear Liffy Stokes, B-Hype and Mayz come in talking about "What happened to Twista?" It is the same vibe! When you get it you will be like "Damn, it feels like it!" For some reason on every album I take a special interest on that first song and I try to put a lot into it. Adrenaline Rush was that song to me and might be one of my favorite songs that I did in my career so I wanted to come with something like that and "Charged Up" is like that. When you hear it, it keeps on saying "Charge" every time a bar comes on. Then with the way I'm spitting it you will definitely feel it and be like "Okay he is coming like this!"

WorldWideConnected.com: When is the album coming out?

It's coming out in August! It was originally gonna come out earlier but we had to move it back a little bit because we had a few problems with the single. There was a few mishaps and you know how the game is. It is what it is! It's set in August and it is really a beautiful thing because I got the Lil' Wayne joint out there right now and that is hitting them in the streets. I feel like my album will have a little more anticipation rather than the last album. I'll be happy with it!

WorldWideConnected.com: What's the first single?

The first single which we got out right now is called "Whip Game" and it features Lil Wayne. That's doing real good for us right now. I had to get it in the streets and once I got the pub in the hood I knew it was cool. Then we're gonna come again with the Pharell single called "Give It Up", for the ladies.

WorldWideConnected.com: A lot of rappers have been getting into movies, do you have any flicks coming up?

I've got a few ideas but I haven't really took it there just yet because I have been focusing on the music so hard. Once I get out to L.A. a little bit and be able to sit down with a few people then I'll definitely get into something. I think what it is, is I have been looking for the right role. I've been getting a couple roles, and it is not that I have been turning them down it is just that I have been so busy with the music that I haven't se