Angående Tru3 Magic
Läste detta på the Rolling Stones hemsida:
"Just in case you thought record labels finally had their shit together: Geffen has recalled Mos Def's True Magic, which was originally released on December 29th, during a notoriously dead time of year for record-buying. True Magic has only sold 11,000 copies and, apparently, Mos Def and the label decided they could really do much better with a fresh start. So: the already-released True Magic - which was rushed out because of an early December leak - is actually a "limited edition pre-release" and the real True Magic will be out, with new tracklist, this spring. "
Har tidigare läst det här på
"Denna utgåva har inget innerhäfte, discen ligger i en genomskinlig plastask. "
Någon som vet vad som händer? Jag beställde ett ex typ i förrgår, men någon som hört något om dessa rykten?