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Nas nästa album - "NASIR OF NAZARATH"?

Utländsk Hiphop - Allmänt


2006-11-27 07:22

Nas nästa album - "NASIR OF NAZARATH"?

vet inte vad man skall göra av det här än, inget är bekräftat. och bildjäveln som det länkas till har blivit överbelastad pga för många som kollat den. Konceptet låter jävligt tungt dock. låt oss hoppas det blir av.

(om detta stämmer verkar det ju dock som om primo-collaben försvinner ännu längre in i fjärran =/)

*from SOHH* ---- http://forums.sohh.com/showthread.php?t=784631


Nas says his “next joint" will be a religious experience like nothing you've ever heard. These are bold words coming from the man whose forthcoming album, "Hip-Hop is Dead… The N", has managed to stir controversy a month before its release date.
In an unusual press release sent only to select outlets, Nas announced the coming of this next, “next” LP”: "Nasir of Nazarath" (the press release also came with the included promotional image). Although the album is in its embryonic stage, it is set to feature only Nas, both on vocals and production. In addition it will have no singles and only one video.

The album's concept is loosely based on the 1988 Martin Scorsese movie "The Last Temptation of Christ." The film depicts a fictional characterization of Jesus Chirst who experiences the temptations of man and the devil before giving himself to God.

Nas explained,
"It's the biography: complete and unabridged. What really went down from 1973 to 2007. No Escobar, no kilos or gunplay or all that rah rah. It’s everything I went through. Everything I almost did. It’s got a lot of truth. Industry heads aren't gonna like it. I'm tellin secrets on this one."

The release also mentioned a music video that "picks up where Hate Me Now left off", a song called "Illmatic" and a "story inside the cover".

Whether or not the album remains true to its intended form remains to be seen. In hip-hop's current climate of radio friendly songs and media savvy marketing an independent concept album with no hits may not equate to Nas' usual sales. But then again Nas isn't the usual rap artist. The true temptation will be whether or not he allows this project to reach fruition or if he scraps it in favor of something more commercial.