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Tjafset mellan Wu och vakterna förklaras..

Utländsk Hiphop - Allmänt


2006-10-18 11:21

Tjafset mellan Wu och vakterna förklaras..


To avoid any lawsuits that might come up, I'm not going to use anybody's names. Also, this is coming to me from another person that got a first-hand account of what happened. As you know, we revealed that there was a scuffle of some sort at the VH1 Hip-Hop Honors, which was taped over a week ago. Anyway, some members of Wu Tang were supposedly kicked out of the event. That's partially true, but the media flipped it all wrong.

During the event, U-God needed to hit the restroom and he took his boy Saadiq with him. Anyway, Saa is a good dude and had been helping them out. He'd been going back and forth all night and got to know the security guard a bit. One of Wu Tang's affiliates had some trouble getting back behind the scenes so Sa graciously offered his passes to the brother and took U-God to the restroom. Lo and behold, when he got back the security guard he was chummy with FRONTED!

U-God is about to perform and security is buggin' out! After about 15 minutes of haggling, some Wu Tang heavies come up and pull out all sorts of credentials, but the security guard refused them all. Eventually, it was "Yo! Bumrush the show" time and "bong bong" occurred. At that point, it is my understanding, that the dude that got bonged called the cops and pointed out the bonger. Well, the bonger was surrounded by the cops, who were actually really cool. They recognized his status and even said he could stay in the venue as long as no other incidents went down. He decided he'd leave of his own free will to keep everything moving along. So there you have it. The media made it out to be one thing, but there was another thing really going on. Shout out to the cops.

I can't reveal who the bonger is, but I want to give a shout out to Power, who definitely reps Wu Tang to the fullest. The man in the background.
