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Reflection Eternal 2 kommer snart

Utländsk Hiphop - Allmänt


2006-09-28 17:35

Reflection Eternal 2 kommer snart

Saxat från hi-teks blog på myspace (therealhitekmusic heter han där):

I put up a world premiere on my page, its another cut off the album. The song is called, "Can We Go Back To That" and it features Talib and my new artist Ayak (check her out (url link=http://www.myspace.com/ayaktracks" target="_self)here(/url)). This song is just a sneak peak for that Reflection Eternal, coming sooner than you think!! The negotiations are going on right now--and the album will definitely be out in '07. For those of you who want the track, feel free to grab it up here. GIMME SOME FEEDBACK!!!

Senast 2007 alltså. FAN vad fett! Skönt att hi-tek kommit igång ordentligt igen. Hoppas bara dom kan hålla samma höga nivå som på ettan!

this is for my niggas and my nymphos, non stop bangin like a dilla instrumental