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?uestlove om Fresh Prince

Utländsk Hiphop - Allmänt


2006-06-13 20:53

?uestlove om Fresh Prince

I den Engelska musiktidningen Grandslam magazine (som jag numer tyvärr tror är nerlagd) intervjuades ?uestlove från The Roots och självklart kom Fresh Prince/Jazzy Jeff på tal då det snackades gammal Philly hip-hop.
Jag vet att Lerkot var intresserad av detta, eftersom jag måste sitta och skriva av allt så lägger jag bara upp snacket om Fresh Prince, senare kan jag eventuellt slänga upp en jävligt intressant intervju med MC Serch .

The funny thing is, I know that Will Smith has a very humorous, or non street-cred profile in hip-hop. But there's nothing that Will Smith will ever do that will make me forget. That left such an impression on me, watching him and Jeff get down. The thing I liked about Will was that he knew he was underestimated. He knew cats looked at him like "Ahh, you're just some suburban guy, you ain't no real street thug". So he had to try harder. And cats would always try to come at Will on the radio. You know- "Fresh Prince is soft..." And then he'd be in the studio a half an hour later... There's in infamous battle between him and Steady B on tape. "He's the DJ, I'm the Rapper" had just come out that Tuesday, and Steady B and Will happened to be in the studio at the same time. Steady thought "Ok, I'm gonna come out my ass and battle him". The only way I can describe that moment - you ever see "Goodwill Hunting"? You know the scene in the bar, where the smartass college guy is trying to name some stats, then Matt Damon just busts his ass? That was Will Smith. He roasted Steady B, to the point where Steady B was ready to fight. Ready to fight on the air, physically. Jeff was like "Yo, they almost had to have the cops come and break it up".

....So watching him was like was sort of like watching the last scene of "8 Mile", and "Good will Hunting". 'Cos he was ready for anyone to come at him with "You're soft, you ain't nothin', you ain't a real thug, you ain't a real MC". He used humour - The Dozens. Talkin' about your momma... he had a rhyme for every colour....

Soy esa clase de persona, me buscan todos los hermanos mayores de los niños de la zona