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Ghostface tillbaks med "Fish Scale"

Utländsk Hiphop - Allmänt


2005-09-16 13:34

Ghostface tillbaks med "Fish Scale"

... lite halv gamla nyheter, fast nytt är att kommande singeln ska vara "Be Easy"... väntar nog inte på nåt album på samma sätt som detta... kommer äga liv!...

Ghostface Returns With New Album Fish Scale This December!
The Wally Champ is back with another surefire classic album set for a release in December 2005. The brand new album Fish Scale features Ghost throwing dartz like nothing you've ever heard before. Check for the new single "Be Easy" right here on defjam.com later this week and make sure to hit up the request lines to get Tony Starks some airplay early in the game! Keep coming back here for all the latest.

lite mer Ghostface, eller Trife's effort, men mycket från Pretty Toney okså... check it out:

http://www.nobodysmiling.com/hiphop/news /85041.php

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