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The Game intalar fans att köpa hans skiva...igen

Utländsk Hiphop - Allmänt


2005-09-03 09:57

The Game intalar fans att köpa hans skiva...igen

Game Motivates Fans To Re-Purchase Album

Compton's newest star The Game, who recently won the award for Best Selling New Male Artist at the World Music Awards, has asked to pass on the message from him to his fans, that everybody that goes pick up "The Documentary" again and sends it in to the Black Wall Street Offices will get the CD autographed and a free copy of his newest mixtape "Ghost Unit", once again targeted at the G-Unit crew.

Here is the message from Game:
"The Day Yayo's album drop, I want everyone who can to go out and re-cop "The Documentary" !!! Anyone who does so can send the album in to The Black Wallstreet offices & I will personally sign it & send it back with a copy of my new mixtape "Ghost Unit" (Life After 300 Bars).......... If you cant afford it, don't do it but if you can let's go out & kill these mothafucka's until 50 & Sha is Irv & Ja ha ha ha.......... go on every hip hop website & post this as well as let everyone you know the same, 1. "

Ja, vad säger man.. haha...

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