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2005-08-02 02:19

haha The Game

Game Goes AWOL on a Fan
Sohhhhh, we all know that The Game is doing his thing on his own tour. Well one of our SOHH.com readers (who was at the concert) sent in an email explaining what went down. Basically, he did a show in Manchester, England the other day and spazzed out on the audience.

You know he went through his whole "fuck G-Unit, fuck 50, fuck Yayo, fuck Banks, fuck Buck, etc..." run down like he does at every show.
However, he lost it and decided he wanted to start fighting a fan because they yelled "G-Unit"....WOW!!

Game really needs to get over his insecurities and accept the fact that he is not down with 50 and G-Unit no more. I mean damn.. how long has it been now since they gave him the boot!!

Lemme find out that West Coast rappers get down like that.. remember Snoop did the same thing a couple of months ago at a show in Seattle when he and Game was on the How the West was Won Tour!!

Sohh, holla at me if ya'll hear of anything else....

Yáll pussys shotin up cars n SHIT , shot em in da mouth see how many bars he SPIT - young buck