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Lite nya rumors (Game, G-Black)!

Utländsk Hiphop - Allmänt


2005-04-12 20:40

Lite nya rumors (Game, G-Black)!

# Game's Next Single Is Gon' Be "Westside Story" ?

Som en del visste (eller kanske jag borde skriva "trodde "), så skulle nästa singel från hans debutskiva vara Dreams . Han hade redan gjort videon till den, även så att Mya (Som The Game nämner i låten) gästat i videon.
Nu har skumma rykten dykt upp om en annan singel som ska droppas istället. Ingen annan låt än street-singeln "Westside Story " ska vara nästa singel! Denna info (LÄS: rykten) finner man i dubccs forum

# Guerrilla Black On Guerilla-Unit?

I know that you dudes hated the A, B, C thing and I knew you would, but I was willing to accept the backlash. Anyway, moving along.

The word is G-Unit's recruited Guerilla Black into their ranks. I don't know what's what with that. It would appear that G.B. has hit the jackpot. I personally heard a new freestyle where he is screaming "G-G-G-G-G-Unit!" He had that swagger too. I can't believe that this could be true and, funny enough, The Game and G.B. have no love for each other. Hope this isn't the start of some mess.

Oh, and this Lil' Scrappy/G-Unit thing is still lingering. It won't go away!


Snacka på! Vad tycker ni om detta??