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King Sun battle

Utländsk Hiphop - Allmänt


2004-08-26 18:00

King Sun battle


The highlight of the event took place outside SOBs when the legendary King Sun came through and started flipping rhymes for the dozens of cameras filming the event. I'm not sure what happened but King Sun decided to turn his attention to a small bespectled white boy who said he was an emcee. King Sun wanted to drop some gems and let the kid know that he was a GOD and there were lessons for this young kid to learn. So King Sun in front of a few dozen people started rocking some choice rhymes... Moments later the little white kid had everyone hooting and hollering and making phone calls to friends who held up their phones so they could share in the witnessing of King Sun getting his ass seriously lyrically served.

Yep, you read it right here the white kid who broke him down was a cat name AM Boogie, a native New Yorker who would not let up on his relentless punch lines. His rhymes ranged from him thanking King Sun for comparing him to fellow white rapper Eminem.. because as he pointed out 'We're both nicer than you'. It was that line that had folks pulling out their tape recorders, telephone and cameras..

Other choice lines included AM Boogie talking about how he could walk a tight rope between the gaps of King Sun's teeth. What knocked King Sun out the ring was when AM Boogie acknowledging that King Sun was a God and that AM was a short white boy serving Sun in front of all his brothers...He concluded the rhyme by talking about how he always screws King Sun's girl...

There was no coming back after that..King Sun showed the kid some love, gave him a hug and a pound and promised he would be back with some harder stuff and that it wasn't gonna be his night.. AM Boogie went on to battle a few other cats,and disposed of them quite quickly. Everyone was still buzzing because to see Sun get served was a rarity... The Battle made everyone night.. Don't get me wrong Sun came with some heat.... But this other cat AM Boogie was on a mission to topple the 7 foot giant..

Från Daveyd.com
