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Kwelis tråkiga inställning 04

Utländsk Hiphop - Allmänt


2004-07-20 22:15

Kwelis tråkiga inställning 04

AllHipHop.com: In a recent magazine article about you, you said that, “It use to be that whatever I wore out the house was what I was wearing on stage.” That’s no longer the case?

Kweli: When I first came into the game in 1998, because of the overblown state of Hip-Hop and where it was at, I put no focus on appearance. It’s the idea of the artist that just wants people to focus on the music. As I’ve grown, I’ve realized that to participate in the music industry, I have to sell myself. Most of your questions are about me as a person, not because my lyrics are so personal, but because as emcees, more than any other entity in the music business, we have to sell who we are. 50 Cent has to sell his story, Eminem has to sell his story. It’s designed like that to where the music becomes secondary. So now when I do interviews, and I do photo shots, videos and all this other s**t, I realized that this stuff is to convince the world of how fly I am. God willing, the world will think I’m so fly, that they’ll want to buy my music. Whereas, when I first came into the game, that wasn’t it, it was I want people to think that my lyrics are so fly that they don’t give a f**k who I am.

Någon mer än jag som tycker att det är tråkigt att han har ändrat inställning?

i roll like a bat out of hell