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Milk It - Beatnuts sista album...

Utländsk Hiphop - Allmänt


2004-07-20 19:57

Milk It - Beatnuts sista album...


AllHipHop.com: Is there any thing else that you’d like to say?

JuJu: Even if this is the last one that we do, I just want to thank everybody that has supported us throughout the years. I want n*ggas to know that we love this s**t. I love this Hip-Hop s**t. And I’m gonna be buying records and flipping beats even if I ain’t getting no record deal or nothing.

AllHipHop.com: Man, what’s up with that tone, you said “even if this is the last one.” What does that mean?

JuJu: Man, I don’t know man. N*ggas be throwing shade, it’s just f***ed up right now. I don’t even know how long I’m gonna be around, as far as like, out there.

AllHipHop.com: So you’re saying that if things turn out a certain way with this album, you may not mess with the game anymore?

JuJu: Yeah man, I might just find some other s**t to do. cause I don’t want to be…ya know.

JuJu never finished that last statement.

hmm... jag ska iaf köpa Milk It. alla andra som gillar beatnuts bör göra det också låter det som.

resten av intervjun.

1. the art of speaking or writing effectively
2. skill in the effective use of speech