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fifty dissar buddens igen

Utländsk Hiphop - Allmänt


2004-06-14 18:11

fifty dissar buddens igen

fifty dissade buddens och murder inc clicken på scen med...buddens håller visst på att spela in ett helt tape med dissar mot the 5 heartbeats (g-unit) as we speak...

Alright, I just listened to Joey on Hot 97 and here's some of what he had to say:

He said he thinks 50 was kind of worried, he looked like he was upset, because the people weren't responding too good to his songs.

He said he was backstage with no security, and he saw 50 walking by with a bunch of cops.

And he said he got a couple of songs ready for his "5 Heartbeats" mixtape, that he might put out (emphasize "might") I basically think he's waiting for 50 to say something back, and then he's gonna let that mixtape out.

"i was there last night...here's what happened...before g-unit's set...on the monitor 50 had his version of the 2004 grammys...so he's anouncing the categories and contestants....first category...worst rapper of 2004...nominees...ja rule...joe budden...and blackchild..opens envelope and says its a 3 way tie...then he said...fuk ja and murder ink...joe buddens is just garbage...and then says "who's the 3rd one again?", he looks at the envelope again and said oh blackchild...then some shit after...but the whole crowd was laughing so it was hard to hear that part...second category...artist with the most platic surgery..first nominee...michael jackson...2nd lil kim...3rd wendy williams...winner lil kim...he accepted the award on her behalf and said as we speak she's in LA having surgery one on her, then the monitor showed someone laying doen with bandages on their face...3rd category was sexiest hip hop female...i forgot the first nominee...the second was beyonce and third was ashanti..then some lady comes and whispers shit in his ear...and then he says "i've just been informed ashanti has been disqualied...everyone was laughing mad hard, and i couldn't hear the reason why..last category was worst hiphop magazine...first nominee, the source...then's he's like "wait, there must be a mistake, cause the second nominee is the source"...third nominee's the source again...and the winner is the source...he says its fixed (the magazine)...and then he accepted the award on their behalf...and the fukin award had a little afro on it...and he was like, "damn, this shit looks just like benzino"...this part of the set, was the only thing that he said or did about joe-buddens...buddens didn't perform and i don't even think he was at summer jam.....but over all that part had the crowd laughing hard...
...then this dude 50 starts bitching at the crowd for wanting to see r.kelly(cause he was next) and didn't want to get off stage, when his time was up...he was like the only he getting off the stage is if someone with a blue shirt and stick (cop/security) can take hime off stage...and while he's bitching at the crowd he says some shyt like..."fuk y'all wanna see r.kelly for?...all he's gonna do is say "step, step, side to side (and he starts mimicking r.kelly)...then he starts singing i don't see nooothing wrong...and instead of saying "with a little bump and grind...he says "i don't see nothing wrooong, with peeing on little girls"...the crowd was shocked, but it was funny at the same time...50 was buggin out for a while...then after being told their time was done again...they left the stage...when they was done, it was about 12:30...my and my peeps left...r.kelly was supposed to perfrom when we left..so i don't know what he said about that situation, and how is performance went..."

chase the clouds away