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The truth about D12

Utländsk Hiphop - Allmänt


2004-05-23 12:15

The truth about D12

Först och främst dickridar jag ingen här, jag har inte skrivit detta. Saxat detta från ett D12 forum och det är ganska lustigt att alla D12 fans där har bara svarat med t.ex "Get off Eshams dick" de har alltså inget bättre i försvar mot detta. Och igen jag ligger helt neutralt. Esham vs D12

First, to understand, it's pretty much a given that Esham inspired almost every local rap artist that has come out of Detroit, from ICP and the Psychopathic family, to Kid Rock, to even Eminem himself. Eminem has even admitted this in the past.

In 1997, rapper Proof from Eminem's side-group D12 was performing in Detroit, opening up a show for Lil' Kim. Esham was chillin' out in the crowd, enjoying the show. For whatever reason, they called Esham up to come up on the stage. Esham went and, being the local legend that he is, the crowd went wild. Right as Esham got on the microphone, though, he got aattacked by a local rapper named Trick Trick from Detroit rap group The Goon Squad. All hell broke loose, fights broke out with the rappers, the security, the fans, and so on and so forth. Why it happened, who knows, but that was pretty much the end of that for a couple of years between Esham and Proof...

For Esham and Eminem himself, it all sort of began shortly before Eminem got famous. Eminem put out a song called "Till Hell Freezes Over." In this song, not only did he make an indirect reference (not a diss, just a reference) to Esham, he also dissed ICP on this one, with the line "Fuck ICP, buy my CD." However, shortly before that lyric, he says "I think I fucked my head up listening to acid rap." For those not aware, Acid Rap is the style which Esham has always described his music as. And there's can be no mistake about it being a refrence to anyone else because Esham is the only artist--Detroit or otherwise--to claim "Acid Rap" as his creation.

On Eminem's major label debut album The Slim Shady LP, on the last track entitled "Still Don't Give A Fuck," Eminem again gave mention to Esham, saying "Ever since I was born, my mama lost me. I'm a cross between Manson, Esham, and Ozzy"

At first, Esham took this as a compliment. In one interview, when asked about it, he simply said "Yeah, that's pretty cool of him." And on Esham's greatest hits album Bootleg From The Lost Vault from 2000, on the back of the CD case, it quoted Eminem's lyric from that song. Esham didn't seem to mind.

Something at this point changed though...who knows what, but soon Esham was tossing disses at Eminem. In an issue of Murder Dog magazine, Esham called Eminem racist and said instead of "M&M," he calls him "Skittles cause any faggot can taste his rainbow."

The war was on.