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Nytt Talib Kweli Mixtape med Gangsta Artister?

Utländsk Hiphop - Allmänt


2004-03-08 15:34

Nytt Talib Kweli Mixtape med Gangsta Artister?

Here is another rumor that’s fit to print. We got word that Talib Kweli is going around the nation, in particular the West Coast forming a new mixtape that will have him paired up with emcees of the gangsta type. We can appreciate that fa sho,’ because we have always maintained that the barriers between hip-hop need to be broken down. Holla at ya folk.
AllHipHop Rumours

Interessant. Ju mer Talib ju fetare blir dom kommande åren. Trotts att detta bara e en rumour så brukar dom va jävligt fakta-backade. AllHipHop har ju kontakt med dom flesta inom hip hop så dom får höra en massa grejer.

1. the art of speaking or writing effectively
2. skill in the effective use of speech