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[Audio] phatkidz - coma

Svensk Hiphop - Audio & Video


2011-06-26 13:39

[Audio] phatkidz - coma


Coma was released on our soundcloud site two weeks ago and now finally hits youtube. We have grown 50 fans on facebook and are currently working on reaching out to the fans as much as possible.

We are releasing/writing promotracks that has been planned for a while, this is the chance for people to get to know our sound before we drop the album "the ballad of the phatkidz" late fall, 2011. These promotracks are always recorded on instrumentals unless any other information is specified.

phatkidz - coma

These are some comments made by first-time listeners on youtube and american forums;

This... This...
Should be sent to a small music company so he don't get caught in the piece of shit industry where the
soul in the music is lost.

'Nuthin to prove' is pretty much the first rap track i have absolutely loved since Warlocks - Flashbacks was released way back in '97(?). I rarely listen to rap anymore, mostly because all that is released today is a bunch of awful yoyo-bling-kill-bitch-nigga-gangsta-autotune-bullshit. Its nice to see there's still being made quality rap by people with both talent and a little bit of common sense. 'Phatkidz' just got themselves a new fan.


We would also like to use this oppurtunity to present the coma remix produced by none other than sansprofit.

phatkidz - coma sansprofit remix

We are humble and appreciate the love we have got so far. Let us know how you feel about our music and click like on our facebook page. Thanks.

related links;
phatkidz on facebook
phatkidz on soundcloud
phatkidz on youtube

Enjoy, deuce!

/ Tyler Burden
