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[Video] Proclamation in the studio

Svensk Hiphop - Audio & Video


2010-01-26 18:12

[Video] Proclamation in the studio

Oh shit, we’z back on track! It’s been a long fuckin time since we updated this blog. Mojizzle is back from Naija with a lot of good tidings… Every mothafuckin thing’s on fire now. In a year we’ll be rollin with bentleys and shit over in Africa! Just need to maintain what ever the fuck ever we seem to be doin right. We’ve been told to camp on the Broken English Mixtape, so here’s a lil’ taste from Mixtape Maniacs, with Proclamation spittin in the studio. The track’s called Invinsible. He’ll be dropin on it in colab with Mojizzle and KaanQuest… Murdeeeeer is the proper noun!


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