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Head Like Orange songs finally on Myspace!

Svensk Hiphop - Audio & Video


2009-09-24 01:02

Head Like Orange songs finally on Myspace!

Kolla in vår musik här! Länk till http://www.myspace.com/headlikeorange

Saxat från myspace:
When combining the creative minds of vocalist Ebbe Eriksson and hip-hop producer Furious, you'll end up with Head Like Orange.

The newly formed alliance is ready to make a mark with their colourful version of pop music. With focus being put on the love for the creative-process, the sound comes across as inspiring, yet very playful, but with a serious undertone. The duo had no idea what they would end up with when they started working on the material for a forthcomming studio-session, but here we are, months later.

The self-released debut album "An Injection Of Sunshine" is about to drop. The album is produced by Mattias Persson (Pretty Whores, Sista Sekunden), and delivers thirteen tracks, guaranteed to get your head nodding, feet moving and your fingers snapping. Guest appearances from Joakim Jensen (Social Siberia, Chemical Vocation, Nemorosa) and Jonas Svendsen (Polar City, Far Above) helps tp adds even more to the plate of diversity that is Head Like Orange.

To quote opening-track "Bonjour"; This is a way, that you've never heard, what you've heard, so many times before.

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