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[Audio] Emil Brikha - A dark place.

Svensk Hiphop - Audio & Video


2008-11-16 23:45

[Audio] Emil Brikha - A dark place.

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I want to crawl out of my own skin and disappear without a trace.
I want a new identity with a new face at a new place.
I want new thoughts, new things to focus on, new things to chaise.
New challenges, new victories, new destiny to embrace.

I can’t flee my thoughts, they always come back to haunt me.
They taunt me in repetitive circles and tighten like a noose around my neck,
Until I can’t breath or scream for help.
It seams the thoughts bring out energies which I have never felt.

It’s hard to describe what I go through when I go under deep.
It’s right in front of me, it’s always popping up in my sleep.
It’s like a steep hill with slippery shoes and I’m trying not to fall.
It’s like travelling in the speed of light and smash in to a brick wall.

It’s like your worst fears combined and multiplied by triple six.
It transcends your mind and even makes your body feel really sick.
It’s like almost drowning, being saved and then get drowned again.
It’s just like this, sometimes worse and then it goes around again.

It’s not voices I hear in my head, it’s more like energy.
I grew up thinking they were demons but realised it was just me.
I’ve fought a lot in my life to gain wisdom and clarity.
I’ve had a lot of battles, most of the time I’ve been the enemy.

People say they envy me but they can’t see the entity
The essence inside of me, the one that empties me.
It’s a heavy burden to carry, the pain is endlessly,
Constantly reminding me of who I am and who I want to be.

People tell me not to worry and relax,
But my past is filled with questions that people have been to afraid to ask.
I’m not that easily scared when I seek answers and proof.
I analyze all things that come to mind and then deliver the truth..

I’m not saying its all dark skies and never ending pain.
I’m saying this is who I am and what I use to gain my strength.
The strain I put myself through is like a cleansing rain.
If I would to ignore this calling, I would rather be slain.

I don’t want an artificial life. I don’t want superficiality.
I want what’s real; I want substance, vision and clarity.
It’s sad to see societies and how people build them.
What kind of a world do we live in, when we idolize Paris Hilton?

http://www.LQP.se - The Portal To Self (ehm, myself, that is)