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Vill du remixa Trainspotters? ATT: Producers/DJs

Svensk Hiphop - Audio & Video


2007-01-29 12:31

Vill du remixa Trainspotters? ATT: Producers/DJs

"What´s good everyone?

We´ve got a lot of requests regarding our acapellas for remix purposes, and we think it´s time to give you what you want. Follow this link and you´ll have all the stuff you need to make a dope ass remix of our single "Feel The Vibe".


Do a remix, put the remix on your mixtape, MySpace or whatever. Or why not play it live when you´re DJing. Let us know when you´re done with the remix, hook us up with it and we might put it on our mixtapes or MySpace.

Also, if you rather like it on vax... Feel The Vibe is being released on 12" vinyl through a Japanese distributor, so vax heads beware!

Get back to us...



randombastards.com | twitter.com/randombastards
Trainspotters "Bastards!" | http://bit.ly/bastards-zip