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Ny Pato Pooh Låt Från hans Kommande Mixtape + info

Svensk Hiphop - Audio & Video


2007-01-05 23:18

Ny Pato Pooh Låt Från hans Kommande Mixtape + info

Alo Gott folk!
Deh Din Poik är stolta att presentera:

Pato Pooh - Wifey - (Prodd-Charlie - M.A.D.E - Vendetta)

Ladda ner den från www.myspace.com/patopoohddp

eller genom att använda er av denna länk.


Så här skriver han gällande låten på hans  myspace:

Waz Gööd Fam!
I know Iz bean rather quiet from ya Poik lately, but know that I haven't bean slacking. On the contrary, I've bean working hard, not only on my music but also on various other projects like the "Ricky's - Unconditional Love" Album set to be released late Feb 2007 and My "Deh Din Poik" movement witch includes a brand new recording studio, thus creating the opportunity to write/produce & record many new & interesting Artists.

I'm also currently working on my Mixtape/Album called "Swaydish Village Alley" set to be release late May/early June 2007. Pato Pooh - Wifey is one of the tracks featured on the album & is produced by Charlie for M.A.D.E Productions.
Make sure to feedback; spread the love & my music/Pato "Deh Din Poik" pOOh
