Phonetik - Survival Tactics The Album
Survival Tactics The Album My fullength debut album is soon to drop this fall. I dont really know what peoples expectations are for this release, and I don't really care. This album is the blood sweat and tears of myself, Phon, and my producer Hoova. Recorded through the hardest ordeal i've ever faced in this life, it turned out to be some of the most honest music i've ever written. For the people that enjoy dark, minimalistic production and realityrap it's a must have. It's representative of the struggle of myself as an individual, and I hope it reaches people with similar experiences and mindsets. I feel that there is allready to much "happy", poppy and mainstream music out there, and something needed to be done to change this. 13 tracks deep its a story from beginning to end, a true story, and I feel blessed in being able to share this with you all. In closing, I believe that if you have a voice, use it! And regardless what people may think of your expression, make that voice heard! There's always someone listening that's able to relate, and you just might improve that persons day. Peace be with the truthseekers! /Phonetik
Länk till några snippets på myspace. Så vilka förväntningar har ni på albumet som droppar snart(hoppas vi!) ?.
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