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Embee "Tellings From Solitaria"

Svensk Hiphop - Allmänt


2004-09-14 15:16

Embee "Tellings From Solitaria"

We are proud to tell you that EMBEE soon will drop his first solo album
"Tellings From Solitaria" on David vs. Goliath.

On the guestlist we find Timbuktu, José González, Looptroop, Rico Wondahman, Rantoboko, Bless & Daniel Lemma among others. The prominent Reinis Zarins Jazz Quartet is also on board, interpreting songs along the way.

Word from the Cabinet is that you can expect a groundbreaking experience with a lot of Soul & Jazz packaged in a casual hiphop-costume...

Tellings From Solitaria contains 14 tracks and will be released on Vinyl & CD in Sweden on November 17. Snippets coming soon!

The first single/video will be "Not Tonite" featuring Vanessa Liftig.

Källa: www.looptroop.nu

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