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[Artikel] Twist om youtubecover.

Övrigt - Webbsidor


2008-07-09 19:19

[Artikel] Twist om youtubecover.

Saxat från http://www.inradiobows.com/2008/06/04/quarrel-between-prince-and-radiohead/

Quarrel between Prince and Radiohead

Jun 4th, 2008

The last issue about Radiohead took place yesterday. It is well known that Prince covered the Radiohead hit Creep during his appearance in Coachella Festival 2008. The 7 minutes cover was recorded and uploaded in Youtube but Prince removed it/blocked it! This is not a surprise if we consider that Prince tries to remove every video of him in Youtube, E Bay etc.

This is completely against to Radiohead ideas, who gave their albums for free download! When Thom Yorke was asked about the incidednt during his interview for Billboard.com he said:

Haha. Det här var nått nytt. Vad tror ni?
