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www.DrJayz.com - beställa till Sverige/Europa [Request]

Övrigt - Webbsidor


2006-09-06 17:22

www.DrJayz.com - beställa till Sverige/Europa [Request]

"DrJays.com is proud to announce improved service for Canadian customers! Please click here for more information.

We are also currently working to launch other international shipping destinations over the next few months, starting with the United Kingdom in September and continuing with other European Union destinations and Asia shortly thereafter. We appreciate your patience as we work to restore service to your country with faster service to bring you the latest styles at competitive prices. Please check back soon for more detailed information.

We at DrJays.com know the value of our customers around the globe and are doing our best to help you Get Dressed."

Menar dom att dom inte skicar till t.ex Sverige än? Eller att det kommer gå snabbare senare?

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