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In the time of your life

Övrigt - Vardagsfilosofi


2004-11-05 23:06

In the time of your life

In the time of your life, live so that and that good time there shall be no uglyness or death for your self or any life that your life touches
Seek goodness everywhere, and when it is found bring it out of the hidingplace and let it be free and unashamed
Place in matter and in flesh the least values, for these are the things that holds death and must pass
Discover in all things, that what shines and is beyond corruption
Encourage vertue and what ever heart it may have driven it to secrassy and sorrow, by the shame and terror of this world
Ignore the obvious for it is unworhty of the clear eye and the kindly heart
Be the inferior to no man, nor of any man the superiour
Remember that every man is a variation of yourself
No mans guilt is yours
Nor is any mans innocense a thing apart
Despise evil and unguidliness, but not men of unguidliness or evil, these understand
Have no shame in beeing kindly and gentle
But if the time comes in the time of your life to kill, then kill and have no regret
In the time of your life, live so that and that wonderous time you should not add the misery and sorrow of the world, but shall smile to the infite delight and mystery of it!

Jag ville bara säga att detta låter mycket vettigt o som en skön livsfilosofi(om jag får kalla det så)

Since I wrote while listening.. Därav stavfel osv..
Men jag kan inte smyga med att jag är riktigt keff på att stava..

Anyway. Enjoy.

I stay bent like skoliosis.. Dead Bent