Säljes: Några Hip Hop 12:or / EP / LP
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Alla skivor är original press!
* Company Flow - Juvenile Technique - 12:a - Fint skick - 150 kr
* Looptropp - Long arm of the law - 12:a - Fint skick - 200 kr
* Ko-wrecktion remixes - EL-P - 12:a - Fint skick - 50 kr
* Mr Len (Company Flow) - What the Fuck - 12:a - Fint skick - 50 kr
* Fondle em fossils - Def Jux EL-P - 12:a - Fint skick - 50 kr
* N.O.R.E. - Body in a trunk, N-O.R.E, 40 island, Banned from TV, Superthug - EP - Fint skick - 50 kr
* Mr. Lif - Enters the colossus - 7 låtar, EP - Bra skick - 75 kr
* DJ Clue - The Professional 2 - 2xLP med instick - Bra skick - 75 kr
* Black Eyed Peas - Bridging the gap - 2xLP - Bra skick - 50 kr
Mvh Andreas