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nationalistisk(?) innehållsrik(?)

Övrig musik - Rock, pop & annat


2006-05-22 20:43

nationalistisk(?) innehållsrik(?)

Av en slump fick jag höra denna låt så jag kollade upp texten till den, (OCH NEJ JAG ÄR VARKEN RASIST,PATRIOT,NATIONALIST ELLER VAD NI NU VILL KALLA DET SÅ SKIPPA DET)

Men när jag läste texten så fick jag upp ögonen för innehållet,
förstår inte hur dom fått det så rikt som dom nu har fått.

Och för att skapa en diskussion så undrar jag,
vad anser ni denna text vara?
Tycker den ser mer ut att hedra rudolf hess för att han vågade flyga till storbrittanien och förska mäkla fred med dom..
vad tycker ni, är den främlighets fientlig?

****** = censur, så ingen ska ta illa. Om ni vill veta vad som står där får ni själv söka upp det på eget bevåg.

Tales of Honor by Final War

He took the reins of power in 1933
The appointed deputy fuhrer of the N.S.D.A.P.
This is the story of Rudolf Hess, a brave and loyal man
He gave his life for his beliefs because he loved his land
On that night of May 10th in 1941
He boarded an Me-110, for his mission had just begun
Destination-Scotland, the Duke of Hamilton he must seek
But what was to unfold from this emissary of peace?

********* - Rudolf Hess, your legacy lives on
Your courage and your honour keeps us marching strong
********* -Rudolf Hess, amongst the gods you lie
You live on in Valhalla, 'cause true heroes never die

Imprisoned, for his proposal of peace
An attempt at White unity so the brother's war would cease
Held as a private prisoner for the duration of the war
Until October 1945 when the trial hit the floor
Hess was found guilty of crimes against peace
Sentenced to a life in hell for fighting for his beliefs
For the next 40 years he'd rot in a Spandau cell
'Cause he tried to end the war, they sentenced him to hell

(Repeat Chorus)
(Guitar Solo)

Now stripped of his identity and left to rot away
No longer known as Rudolf Hess,
Number 7 is his name
Until in 1987 on August 17th
When Hess began his journey in to eternal sleep
You're gone but not forgotten
You live in our hearts and minds
What you have done to save your race
Sends chills down my spine
Every year on the 17th we fly our flags up high
And salute in remembrance
A true martyr of our time

(Repeat Chorus 2x)

Moderatorer, tycker ni denna är kränkade ta bort den isf.

remember my name
you'll be screaming it later!