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Slutet för Michale Graves?

Övrig musik - Rock, pop & annat


2004-12-15 08:34

Slutet för Michale Graves?

Har läst runt på lite websites och fått lite info om att Michale Graves snart gör sin sista spelning med Gotham Road..

Anledningen är för att han rycker in i "The United States Marine Corps " den 31 December..

In other news, Graves will play his final GOTHAM RD. show before joining The United States Marine Corps on December 31 at Connections in Clifton, NJ.

With regards to his enlistment in The United States Marine Corps, Graves had previously said, "My enlistment took place on August 25, 2004 with the full support of my friends and family. I will leave for recruit training on January 10, 2005 and will serve in the infantry reserve."

Hur känns det? :(

'shoot the kids at school, all in a bloody pool.. I'll show the teachers too, cause they can't tell me what to do.'