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eek-a-mouse är arg

Övrig musik - Reggae & Dancehall


2007-04-17 12:42

eek-a-mouse är arg

såg på http://www.dancehallreggae.com/ att eek- tydligen skrivit två öppna brev (som senare togs bort)
på sin hemsida där han dissar en väldig massa människor

länk till dhr tråden

To All My Fans & Well Wishers

Here are some of the people who robbed, lied and are trying to mess up my career:

Robert Fitzpatrick (Ex Manager)
Gary Hemelfarb (C.E.O. Ras Records)
Gary Folgner (C.E.O. Coach House Rocords & The Coach House, San Jaun Capistrano, CA.)
Tim McClure (Tour Manager)
Roger Southfield (Tour Manager)
Rebecca Wills (My Baby's Mom)
Mr & Mrs Bill & Sue Wills (Rebecca's parents)
Jennifer Wills (Rebecca's sister)
David or Billy (Sound Engineer at El Centro recording studio San Diego)
Malcolm King (At my house with Rebecca)
Duck (Ex Drummer)
Brad (Chronic Industry)
Jim Buss (Son of Jerry Buss, owner of the Los Angeles Lakers)
Melinda Manos (Manos Management)
Carol Bruno (C.E.O. Reggae On The River)
Roger Steffens (President of The Reggae Grammy)
Astor Black (First Promoter to rob me)
Warren Smith (C.E.O. Sieria Nevada Reggae Fest)
Matt Robinson (Brother of Holly Robinson-Pete)
Carl Stubner (Ex Manager)
Edward G. Horowitz (C.M.G. Creative Management Groups)
Todd Ellegard (C.E.O. of his dad's Real Estate Agency)
Othman Muklis (Yo! Jamdown)
George Michaelow (Fast Lane Production)

Toran Hylton 10 years old
Joseph Hylton 7 years old
Ripton Hylton 5 years old
Ethlyn Hylton 3 years old
Yishka Hylton 1.5 years old
All of my beautiful children were kidnapped by some of these people, who are asking for a ransom.

I was also shot at by unknown gunmen while I was in Trench Town, Jamaica. They also murdered my two daughters (Renee & Misha) boyfriends (Sean & Father Escoba) to send a message, that I'd be next. Ps Bong-Ding-Ding!

I was also banned from The United States by some of these people (Robert Fitzpatrick, Gary Hemelfarb & Gary Folgner). Who didn't pay my taxes and so as to get rid of me they reported me to the IRS, and refused to renew my work visa.

For three years Robert and Gary Folgner told me that they had put my money from the tours in an artist trust fund, but soon after they quit being my managers. They told me that the money was no longer mine and that they had given it to Rebecca and her parents.

I have tried to call Rebecca, but she refuses to talk to me. She wouldn't even let me speak to my children, and when I did it was for less than a minute. The Kids would just say that they hate me and then she would hang up the phone.

Toran was born a genius, because at the age of 3 he was reading the Encyclopaedia and Dictionary.

He was so smart that while he was in second grade he could do mathematics that the 6th & 7th grade students were doing.

He has got the best of both sides, as I am black and his mom is white.

The teachers at his school in Irvine, CA would never speak to me, yet they would speak to Rebecca.

Then some of these people, because...

... they are rich decided to advice Rebecca to get rid of me so they can adopt our children. She would curse me for no reason and som