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Sizzla "nyheter" [Sizzla back in jail?]

Övrig musik - Reggae & Dancehall


2005-04-19 09:01

Sizzla "nyheter" [Sizzla back in jail?]

http://www.jamaicaobserver.com/news/html ..

Gov't calls out National Reserve - Sizzla among 33 detained after gun find in August Town
Observer Reporter
Friday, March 18, 2005

Declaring that the country is "at war" with criminal gangs, the Government yesterday announced the introduction of soldiers, including the National Reserve, into its crime-fighting strategy, and promised that the state's response to the brutality of the gangs would be lethal.

The police have detained popular reggae deejay Sizzla, whose real name is Miguel Collins, as well as 31 other men and a woman in connection with various crimes committed in the area.
Police said the weapons found were six AK47 rifles, three sniper rifles, one M16 assault rifle, two shot guns and one tech nine sub machine gun.

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