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Bass Punch Records is here - looking for reviewers and DJ's

Övrig musik - Elektroniskt


2009-04-03 16:32

Bass Punch Records is here - looking for reviewers and DJ's

After running the show called Dubsteppers Delight on Sensimedia.net for approximately 2 years I’ve had a share of emails from listeners asking where they could buy the music from, an easy task when asking for material that is released. The majority of the times it was about an unsigned and upcoming artist who hadn’t got any of their material out yet. That’s when in March 2nd of 2009 I decided without hesitation to build and launch my own label releasing music that I feel.

Bass Punch Records aim is to release Dubstep/sub-low music in both digital and vinyl formats from upcoming and better known artists who has something incomparable and dynamic to bring to the record case. As music is our passion we already have a series called Future Klassiks, planned for release some time mid- April. Future Klassics vol 1 will be a 14 track compilation to mirror the profile of the label.

The roster up to date consists of Chimpo, MarchMellow, Substep Infrabass, Genetik.Krew, Bombaman, Migrant, Level 67, Goku, Rakoon, Afterdark, Ill Boding, CEK, Rdubz, Manygances, Quad Control, Rocla, Vision, Skevist, Syanide and growing.

Bass Punch Records vision is to deliver quality over quantity, always willing to work with artists who are not afraid of pushing the limits and boundaries.

If you write reviews for a magazine, we'd be happy to send you a copy.
If you are a DJ and you want to promote the sound of Bass Punch, please send in an email with your application. We'd like to know your DJ name, format of show (FM, online show etc), venue name (if you're dj resident) and whether you would want a hardcopy or digital files in your email. basspunch € gmail dot com

Check out the first release ever at Junodownload and Digital-tunes.net (see date above).
Forthcoming releases @ http://myspace.com/basspunchrecords

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