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Electrypnose - Funked Up

Övrig musik - Elektroniskt


2008-11-25 12:43

Electrypnose - Funked Up

måste fan rekomendera detta fresha album.grymt intressant sound i olika genremixar.

Digital Psionics presents Electrypnose - Funked Up.

Caught between electro and trance Electrypnose has got funked up.

Electrypnose uses the latest in sound technology, guaranteeing a razor sharp triple bladed cutting edge audio environment, even when shaving against the grain.

This exceptional fusion of genres introduces to you an ingenious and original style. An album that distributes a musical force across every inch of funked up fusion to help reduce pressure, resulting in extraordinary comfort and the closest cutz possible.

Each track features a patented digital coating for an incredible gliding motion and irritation free dancing environment. This album comes complete with the addition of a flexible trance experience..

Warning: may contain trances of nutz

finns samples på länken nedan.

Länk till http://www.psyshop.com/shop/CDs/dps/dps1cd029.html